Instructions for non-UIC students to register for SPAN 440 “Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers” taught online at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Fall 2024

These instructions will be updated for 2025
as soon as the information becomes available.

1) Email the professor, Dr. Kim Potowski, at to let her know of your interest. After she replies with permission, proceed to Step 2.

2) Go to the SPAN 440 – Theory and Methods in Teaching Heritage Speakers page. Read the information.

3) Click “Register today.” You will be taken to a page to create an account as a first-time user. A temporary PIN will be sent to your email address. You will need this to activate your account. You can call us at (312) 355-0423 if you need assistance with your login.

4) Once your account has been activated, click on the link “Start New Application,” which will appear in the middle of the Application Management Page. Then select "For Credit Courses" from the drop down menu.

Fill out your application information including what college and course you are enrolling in, which is SPAN 440 – Theory and Methods in Teaching Heritage Speakers. Select “Continue”.

5) Select debit/credit as your payment type and fill in the prompts to submit payment. Enrollment requests cannot be processed without payment.

6) In place of your signature, please type your full legal name. Select “Confirm”.

7) Review your application to ensure that all of the information is correct. When you have completed the review, select “Submit Application”.

​​​​​​Please feel free to e-mail or call at (312) 355-0423 if you have any questions.